Module Five - Lesson 5.3
Verbal Affirmations and
Minimal Encouragers
Non-verbal cues and verbal affirmations are two distinct, yet equally crucial, components of active listening. As mentioned in the previous lesson, non-verbal cues are primarily visual signals you send to show your engagement in a conversation, including body language, facial expressions, and eye contact. These cues are often perceived subconsciously by the speaker and can significantly influence how they perceive your attentiveness and receptiveness to their message.
On the other hand, verbal affirmations are audible expressions of your engagement, such as paraphrasing the speaker's points, asking relevant questions, or providing minimal encouragers. These verbal affirmations make your understanding and involvement in the conversation explicit, thereby reinforcing the speaker's confidence in your attentiveness. Together, non-verbal cues and verbal affirmations create a rich tapestry of communication that goes beyond just hearing words, transforming it into a genuine, active listening experience.